Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Caption Writing Review

Lady Gaga arrives to the AMA's riding a human powered horse. Last year Lady Gaga appeared dressed as an egg to the 2012 AMA's. 

Millions of people release paper balloons in honor of Nelson Mandela's late passing. Nelson Mandela passed at the age of 95 on December 5th, 2013. 

Charles Brown poses by newly decorated house for the December issue of Seasons magazine. Last year, Brown won "Brightest House on the Block" award presented to him by the Christmas Committee of Georgia. 

Magazine Cover

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Post #4: Magazines Part 3

1. Early Magazine Covers:
These covers were usually just a title and maybe a small drawing mainly to just bring in information of what the inside of the magazine was about. There were no cameras so very little drawing was done because magazine covers were not created to catch attention. These covers were usually on paper and the small drawings were always symbolizing what the magazines mainly covered.

2. The Poster Cover:
These photos usually didn't need much words on what was inside the magazine. They were very abstract or drawn out photos that focused on portraying on what you would find inside the magazine. For example, if the inside of your magazine talked all about rock and roll and how its changed the cover of your magazine would most likely be a picture of someone playing a guitar at a concert or some where concerts are held in todays world.

3. Pictures Married to Type:
These covers were surrounded by words that shortly summarized what was on the inside the magazine. These covers had words that always found a way to frame the model while not retracting from the photo. Almost all of the words were the exact same size and not very differentiated across the whole cover making it very boring to look at and drawing away from the model and the main focus of what is inside the photo. These covers started as early as 1916 and were used in other countries around the world as well.

4. In the Forest of Words
These covers were COVERED in words. The magazines by this time had drawn away from the poster type of magazines and now formal pictures of models and celebrities surrounded by words every where occasionally including the face. These photos had gotten so out of control with words that the words would go over the hair or over the chest of the model/celebrity making the photo swamped by words that were related to the topics written about inside the magazine. These magazines had become very popular as early as 1937.

Post #3: Favorite Cover

   This is my favorite cover because the dress is slit in very interesting places making it a very "bazaar" to look at. This photo keeps you curious and your eye wondering. The background is a plain white which makes the model seem to "pop off the page." The photo is very well lit and keeps the skin tone of the model very even keeping the main focus on the dress. The model is looking down making this an informal picture and keeps the attention, again, off the model and on the dress. Simple shoes are worn to follow this same rule. 
   When looking at the photo you look at the model first, then you realize how interesting the dress is assembled, your eye keeps wandering and you see the massive words behind her of the magazines brand... then you look closer and see that tiny words saying "The new look. Gwyneth revealed." After reading that you assume that the model is Gwyneth Paltrow and this is just another technique showing off the dress, not the model. 

Post #2: Best Magazine Covers of 2013

1. Informal
2. Informal/ Environmental
3. Informal
4. Formal
5. Formal
6. Informal
7. Informal
8. Formal
9. Formal
10. Formal/ Environmental
11. Formal
12. Informal/ Environmental
13. Formal
14. Formal
15. Informal

Post #1: Magazine Tips

Things to keep in mind:

1. The image keeps the eye moving
2. Keeps the casual glancer curious and engaged
3. Keep the cover full of vivid colors
4. Cover shows and has emotions
5. Stands out above competitors

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fashion Photography

1. They contoured her face and added highlights, the eyes were made bigger, hair longer, thinner neck, and eyelashes longer.

2. Made the girls skin brighter, legs longer, lifted her shoulders, longer hair, bigger eyes, longer neck, thinner waist, butt smaller, nose smaller, and eyelashes longer.

3. The model went from very large and stocky to thin and petite, hair longer, and skin brighter.

4. No, because society thinks thats how a woman should look but society doesn't actually know that the model does not actually look like that.

5. Yes, in the second video the girl is modeling and at first she is some one society wouldn't waste their time on, then she is transformed into a figure that becomes acceptable to us when really we are accepting someone who we doesn't even look like that.

6. Acne fixes and dark spot fixes, thats it.

7. Fashion photography is changed and altered in photoshop, photojournalism isn't.

8. Fashion photography changes whats real, and changes it to something society will accept.

9. To show us how powerful photoshop is and how out of control it can get.

10. Society accepts guys for how they look because they are not given the opportunities to fix their imperfections. Guys don't have wigs, makeup or tight clothing.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

American Soldier

A.  Ian stands among others, you can see how they are all looking forward and you look at Ian and he stands there with his eyes on his hand placement to make sure everything is correct. I think this is the most powerful photo because it shows how respectful Ian is towards his country and how determined his mindset is to be the best he can be. 

Set #1: Images 1 through 9
Set #2: Images 10 through 30
Set #3: Images 50 through 70
Set #4: Images 71 through 82

I think set #2 was most powerful because you get to see all of the training and hard work these young men had to put in.

C.  The photos all represent steps or "chapters" in this young mans journey to be in the army

3A. Present tense.

3B. The captions tell you what the details are for that moment in time when the photo was taken.

Image #6: Ian sleeps alongside bed frame while Thomas Brenner puts shaving cream on Ians head.
Image #28: Ian laughs while Drill sergeant Edridge hits Ians helmet playfully.
Image #56: Ian tears up pictures of newly announced ex girlfriend, Kristen after news of her finding another boyfriend while Ian is in Iraq.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Rules of Photography Part 2

Rule of Thirds: 

Balancing Elements: 

Leading Lines: 

Symmetry and Patterns: 



Create Depth: 




Self Portraits Part 1

Tip #1:
If you approach people in the right way, they'll usually be happy to have their picture made. It's up to you to break the ice and get them to cooperate. Joke around with them. Tell them why you want to make the picture. Practice with people you know so that you are comfortable; people can sense when you aren't.

Tip #2: 
Whatever it is, the setting provides information about people and tells us something about their lives. Seek balance between subject and environment. Include enough of the setting to aid your image, but not so much that the subject is lost in it.

Tip #3: 
However near or far your subject, however intimate or distant the gaze your camera casts, you always need to keep in mind the elements of composition and the technique that will best help you communicate what you are trying to say.

Environmental Pictures: 
I chose this photo because of the way the man is posing, he looks like he is genuinely minding his own business in his own environment. Im guessing this man was just sitting here on his break and was asked to have his photo taken which would rely on tip #1 more on the photographer. 

I chose this photo because the subject is still involved in the picture but it makes you wonder how he got up there and how the photo was created. The beauty of the background is also very phenomenal. 

Photography Self Portrait: 
I chose this photo because I love how the way the girls eyes seem to be the thing that keeps my eyes looking at instead of the interesting head gear she is wearing. 

I chose this photo because it is dark and mysterious looking. I love how the photo seems to be very dark but the girls facial expression looks like she is trying to escape whatever darkness has engulfed her. 

Casual Portrait:
I chose this photo because the boy is dressed in normal clothes and it looks as though the photographer positioned himself to make the photograph seem more appealing to the eye. 

I chose this photograph because this is a rare moment where you see Katy Perry just sitting in a natural environment, not dressed to her best, just smiling gently. 

Photo Shoot Planning: 
I would like to go to the greenbelt behind my house and take pictures of my friend Lindsey. The leaves are falling and have turned into beautiful golden colors so I think that the photographs would turn out good for a good example of environmental portraits. I plan to position myself in a spot where the background is visible but my subject is still the main focus of the photograph. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Caption Writing

1. Cant tell which is worse, this haircut or the trash bag being used as a dress on my owner. 
2. I remember being very annoyed when this photo was taken. 

1. Plot twist: this is my 16 year old sons bedroom, guess he will get up on time from now on. 
2. My wife told me to get up and turn off the alarm... I learned the hard way to take her seriously. 

1. They must feel so exposed... 
2. Told my daughter to not sneak out anymore with her friends, they learned the hard way. 


1.    2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22 
2.    1 second, 1/60 second, 1/4000 second 
3.    100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600


1. introducing noise to the picture can cause it to form a sense of movement. 
2. If there is plenty of light, use the low ISO. 
3. If there is minimal light, use the high ISO. 

Shutter Speed

fast shutter speed   slow shutter speed 

1. Bulldogs and Hotdogs- Bright lighting 
        a. slow shutter speed 
        b. slow shutter speed 
        c. fast shutter speed 
        d. fast shutter speed 
        e. slow shutter speed 
        f. fast shutter speed

2. Bulldogs and Hotdogs- Dim lighting 
        a. slow shutter speed w/ flash 
        b. slow shutter speed 
        c. fast shutter speed 
        d. fast shutter speed w/ flash 
        e. slow shutter speed 
        f. fast shutter speed 

3. Manual, Shutter Priority, Aperture Priority 


1. The pupil of an eye
2. The smaller the aperture the larger the f number, the bigger the aperture the smaller the f number.
3. The larger the number after the f depends on how focused or unfocused the background is. For example; f/8.0 is more a more focused background and the background of an f/2.8 is very blurry.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

1. Watkins photographs caught my eye because of how he was able to capture these amazing views. He traveled to all of these amazing places with spectacular views and then was able to position himself in what seems to me, the best view you could have gotten with a  view like that in almost all of his photos.

I see: Lots of trees hiding the rocky ground. I see a cliff out in the distance and valley in between the mountains. The clouds seem to be light and fluffy and the sun reflects off of everything standing tall.
I smell: The scent of cedar trees and pine cones. I can smell the trees bark falling into the ground where the pine needles lay. The scent of wood and cedar is overpowering the smell of the fresh air coming through the trees.
I hear: Birds chirping as the fly above the tree canopy and I can hear branches falling off of the trees in the distance as they hit the ground. I can hear woodland creatures move fast along the uneven ground.
I taste: Cold in my lungs as the cold air passes my by. I can taste the cedar on the tip of my tongue.
I feel: Bark of the trees near by roughly in my fingertips. I can feel the stickiness of the tree sap under my fingernails. I can feel the rough pinecone scratch my palm as I hold it tightly. 

I see: Water and waves leaving the rocks on the shore. I see the free movement of the waves crash against the Earth. I feel the cold air hit my skin and give me goosebumps. 
I smell: Salty air and the trees cedar in the background. 
I hear: Waves crashing into the shore and small mammals in the distance playing. It is relatively quiet so I can hear the shutter of my camera quite well. 
I taste: Salt and water 
I feel: The cold water swallow my toes

Mural Project Review

1. What I notice when walking down the hallways or in your teachers classrooms there is always some sort of positive messages being displayed. We could go around the school and take pictures of these messages and make a collage of them to send one big message that there is always a reason to keep moving and pushing through whatever it is your going through.

2. I like the using our phones idea because that is very relatable to other people. In todays world when something inspires a student or catches their eye they will most likely pull out their phone because of the easy access and even though their phone is probably not the best quality you don't care because at that moment you just want to capture the setting in front of you, so I think we should do the same.

3. I would want to put the mural in front of the library where every one can see it and think about the message we are sending.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Abandoned Theme Parks

1. I would want to go take pictures at Koka Family Land, Shiga, Japan. Unfortunately the park was bulldozed in 2008 but if I had the chance to go back in time and go take pictures before it was bulldozed I would definitely take the opportunity. The park was covered in shrubbery and forest and made the park absolutely beautiful before. I loved how the park was swallowed by mother nature but still clearly the remains of an amusement park.

3. Natural walkway in Maldives, Gaoila Bridge, Toborchi Tree, Natural bridge for animals in Netherland, Hotel la Montana Magica

By: Doug Kerr

5. I think this would be fun to document because this bridge is used to let animals pass over a highway safely and is just another way that humans have give back to the community. I think that this would be interesting to capture an animal actually crossing over because then it would show how us humans can cross paths with animals without either of us getting hurt. 

6. I would need to save up a lot of money in order to travel that far way and then the money to be saved in order for me to stay there long enough to get the photos I needed. I would probably need to rent a helicopter because I don't think I am allowed to be on the bridge, I would need to find a hotel near by and it looks like a very un populated area so I would probably have to rent a car as well. I would probably have to get some type of consent to take the photos and check all of the laws in that country to see if I was even able to take these photos.  


1. I think that these photos are absolutely amazing. They are so appealing to the eye and have such great balance in each photo. The subjects in the photo looked like they are posing but from reading the article, the photographer says that he was just waiting and waiting for the right moment to come up in order to capture these breathtaking photos.

3. I  like this photo because of the affection that is presented between the two lions. I also like this photo because of how the male lions mane looks in the photograph with the editing that has been done. 

4. Balance because there are two subjects balancing out each other. 

5. I think that the photographer used a close up lens to capture the emotion and detail of the animals. 

6. The photographer took these photos to show the world that the plains of Africa were filled with so much more than poor families and poaching. He wanted to show the world the side that the animals were experiencing.  

7. "What I am interested in is showing the animals simply in the state of being—before, in the wild at least, they cease to exist. This world is under terrible threat, all of it caused by us." 

8. "There is something profoundly iconic, mythological even, about the animals of East and southern Africa. There is also something deeply, emotionally stirring and affecting about the plains of Africa—those vast, green rolling plains punctuated by graphically perfect acacia trees under the huge skies." 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Peer Reflection

Step 2:

Step 3:
I think this student followed the "lines" rule the best because in the picture there are students writing down something and then the lines are represented by how the tiles line up on the floor. This picture balances the academic side of the shoot and lines rule very well.

Step 4:
The student did not follow the "Framing" rule very well because there are lines in the background that set off the angle of the photo and the subject is clear, but this shot was taken from far away so the photo is not appealing to look at.

Step 5:
I think that this student did an excellent job with all of their photos except framing. They were able to capture the correct rules while still keeping the academic side involved. I also really like how they set up their pictures. Most of their pictures were at angles that were appealing to the eye and I really liked that.

Step 6:
I understand that the student was only given the set up that was provided when walking into the classrooms, but use of correct light would have been a better way to improve their photos. Maybe instead of taking pictures near the front, move to the back where there is all of the natural light coming in from the open windows and take pictures of those students.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Academic Shoot Reflection

1. I had a hard time finding balance because I was only given certain stances and poses that the subjects were in and I could not move them around without interrupting the teacher.

2. I had a hard time focusing. In the simplicity picture, I had to manually focus and it made it difficult because some of my subjects were moving.

3. I would try to follow the rules better.

4. I would use the same photos for framing and I would spend more time in the art classes.

5. Simplicity.

6. Balance

7. Balance.

Rule of Thirds

1. I think that I followed this rule well because my subject is not in the middle of the photo.

2. The group of kids working in the background.

3. No because there is the tree in the way.

4. I could have gotten a picture of just the students working next to the tree.


1. I do not think I followed this rule very well. 

2. The subject is the boy in the picture. 

3. No 

4. Gotten a picture of his work being represented next to another persons work. 


1. I followed the rule by framing the boy working by using the mirror.

2. The boy

3. Yes


1. I think I followed this rule pretty well because the photo is quite simple. 

2. The girl working. 

3. Yes

4. I needed to focus my camera. 


1. I followed this rule well because the person in the background looks like they are petting the boys head. 

2. The boy sitting down in the middle of the photo. 

3. No 

4. I think I did fine with this prompt because there are many mergers. 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Academics & Community Service

The photo I picked was of a girl who was about to kick a soccer ball across the field. I picked this photo because the girl looked so focused and you could see the muscles contracting in her legs to kick the ball across the field. In the photo you can see that the photographer used lines to help the subject look as though it had some where to go.

1. Classrooms

2. I think I could go around to like the theatre room or the art room to get pictures of creativeness and focussed students at work.

3. Get the right angle, the right lighting, and the good timing.

Academic Shoot Preview

Filling the Frame 

In this photo the frame is filled with many things. The two subjects take up most of the photo but the white smoke fills up a part of the photo that would just be wasted space without it. 

Best Action/Emotion 

In this picture you see the water flying up into the air and the girls emotion from what has just happened  causing them to look surprised. 

Best Story 

I believe that this photo tells a story because in the picture there is a fine line between the homeless and the non homeless and you can see the non homeless reaching out to the others to help them. I think that this group of teenagers are feeding the homeless for community service hours and to give back to their own community and help others along the way.

Unusual and Interesting Photos- Part 3

1. Light, Angles, and connection with your subject.



The photographer who reenacted "The Girl with a Pearl Earring" used the correct lighting to match up with the paintings lighting. The photographer also got an angle where the subject in the photograph and painting look the same. In the photograph and painting the subject looks like they have a connection with who ever was painting or photograph. 

I think that light influences me a lot. When I was on vacation in Cozumel, Mexico I got the opportunity to shoot some pictures of some parrots that were at one of our activities and I had to adjust myself to get the right lighting to make the colors and details of the birds really stand out. 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Unusual and Interesting Photos- Part 2

Domestic News Picture Story 

1. I picked this photo because the emotion on the woman's face is so heart breaking and it makes the photo have so much more to say and it makes you wonder. 

2. Domestic News Picture Story 

3. Third Place 

4. The photographer got the woman in an angle where you see cars behind her looking like they are in a line and then you see her standing out side of the cars with no other humans visible. 

5. I think the reason this photo got 3rd was because of how much emotion the woman is presenting, it really shows how devastating this event was to certain victims. 

6. I think that the photographer was most likely in a position where chaos was surrounding them and they had to take the time to compose themselves to take this picture. 

Pictoral Singles 

1.  I picked this photo because when you first see it, you think that the roller coaster is just on a pier in the water and then as you spend more time looking at the photo you realize that the roller coaster is a little beat up and is in the middle of the water not standing on anything. 

2. Pictoral Singles 

3. Second 

4. I like how the photographer captured the sun rising in the morning because then all you could see was the outline of the roller coaster. 

5. I think that the judges picked this photo because of how this picture is so appealing to the eye but it also tells a part of the story of Hurricane Sandy. 

6. Considering the description of this photo says that this was taken in the early morning, I find it to be unique that the photographer had either gotten up or already was up that early to capture this photo. 

Sports Photojournalist of the Year 

1. I picked this photo because there is so much going on, it really caught my eye. 

2. Sports Photojournalist of the Year

3.  First 

4. The photographer made the race car in the top right corner with the finish line in front of it making it obvious that the car was moving 

5. I think that the judges picked this photo because the photo includes many different types of things going on with the smoke, tire marks, finish line being so close, and the american flag on the car really draws attention to this photo and keeps your eyes moving. 

6. I think the photographer did something unique by taking the picture from birds eye view and capturing the car in the spot it is in to make it seem like it is moving.