Friday, October 4, 2013

Peer Reflection

Step 2:

Step 3:
I think this student followed the "lines" rule the best because in the picture there are students writing down something and then the lines are represented by how the tiles line up on the floor. This picture balances the academic side of the shoot and lines rule very well.

Step 4:
The student did not follow the "Framing" rule very well because there are lines in the background that set off the angle of the photo and the subject is clear, but this shot was taken from far away so the photo is not appealing to look at.

Step 5:
I think that this student did an excellent job with all of their photos except framing. They were able to capture the correct rules while still keeping the academic side involved. I also really like how they set up their pictures. Most of their pictures were at angles that were appealing to the eye and I really liked that.

Step 6:
I understand that the student was only given the set up that was provided when walking into the classrooms, but use of correct light would have been a better way to improve their photos. Maybe instead of taking pictures near the front, move to the back where there is all of the natural light coming in from the open windows and take pictures of those students.

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