Saturday, September 28, 2013

Unusual and Interesting Photos- Part 2

Domestic News Picture Story 

1. I picked this photo because the emotion on the woman's face is so heart breaking and it makes the photo have so much more to say and it makes you wonder. 

2. Domestic News Picture Story 

3. Third Place 

4. The photographer got the woman in an angle where you see cars behind her looking like they are in a line and then you see her standing out side of the cars with no other humans visible. 

5. I think the reason this photo got 3rd was because of how much emotion the woman is presenting, it really shows how devastating this event was to certain victims. 

6. I think that the photographer was most likely in a position where chaos was surrounding them and they had to take the time to compose themselves to take this picture. 

Pictoral Singles 

1.  I picked this photo because when you first see it, you think that the roller coaster is just on a pier in the water and then as you spend more time looking at the photo you realize that the roller coaster is a little beat up and is in the middle of the water not standing on anything. 

2. Pictoral Singles 

3. Second 

4. I like how the photographer captured the sun rising in the morning because then all you could see was the outline of the roller coaster. 

5. I think that the judges picked this photo because of how this picture is so appealing to the eye but it also tells a part of the story of Hurricane Sandy. 

6. Considering the description of this photo says that this was taken in the early morning, I find it to be unique that the photographer had either gotten up or already was up that early to capture this photo. 

Sports Photojournalist of the Year 

1. I picked this photo because there is so much going on, it really caught my eye. 

2. Sports Photojournalist of the Year

3.  First 

4. The photographer made the race car in the top right corner with the finish line in front of it making it obvious that the car was moving 

5. I think that the judges picked this photo because the photo includes many different types of things going on with the smoke, tire marks, finish line being so close, and the american flag on the car really draws attention to this photo and keeps your eyes moving. 

6. I think the photographer did something unique by taking the picture from birds eye view and capturing the car in the spot it is in to make it seem like it is moving. 

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