Wednesday, November 20, 2013

American Soldier

A.  Ian stands among others, you can see how they are all looking forward and you look at Ian and he stands there with his eyes on his hand placement to make sure everything is correct. I think this is the most powerful photo because it shows how respectful Ian is towards his country and how determined his mindset is to be the best he can be. 

Set #1: Images 1 through 9
Set #2: Images 10 through 30
Set #3: Images 50 through 70
Set #4: Images 71 through 82

I think set #2 was most powerful because you get to see all of the training and hard work these young men had to put in.

C.  The photos all represent steps or "chapters" in this young mans journey to be in the army

3A. Present tense.

3B. The captions tell you what the details are for that moment in time when the photo was taken.

Image #6: Ian sleeps alongside bed frame while Thomas Brenner puts shaving cream on Ians head.
Image #28: Ian laughs while Drill sergeant Edridge hits Ians helmet playfully.
Image #56: Ian tears up pictures of newly announced ex girlfriend, Kristen after news of her finding another boyfriend while Ian is in Iraq.

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