Thursday, October 10, 2013

Mural Project Review

1. What I notice when walking down the hallways or in your teachers classrooms there is always some sort of positive messages being displayed. We could go around the school and take pictures of these messages and make a collage of them to send one big message that there is always a reason to keep moving and pushing through whatever it is your going through.

2. I like the using our phones idea because that is very relatable to other people. In todays world when something inspires a student or catches their eye they will most likely pull out their phone because of the easy access and even though their phone is probably not the best quality you don't care because at that moment you just want to capture the setting in front of you, so I think we should do the same.

3. I would want to put the mural in front of the library where every one can see it and think about the message we are sending.

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