Monday, September 16, 2013

Top 40 Photos

Photographer:  Aaron Thompson 
       I picked this photo because I can't imagine how hard it would have been to accept your fathers flag after he was supposed to come home so soon.
      The photographer captured an angle that allows you to see the emotion on the boys face that has him almost brought to tears but is also at the angle where the man giving the little boy the flag, trying his best to be sincere towards how the boy might be feeling.
      I think this photo made the top 40 most powerful photographs because the little boys face shows that it is hard for him to accept his fathers death and how hard it must have been to accept the flag.
Photographer: Via

      I picked this photo because Jacqueline Kennedy has just lost her husband JFK yet she is still composed and controlled. 
     The photographer captured an angle where you can still see Mrs. Kennedy's husbands blood splattered on her clothing but you can also see how intent and self controlled she is to do her job. You can also see others in the room looking at Mrs. Kennedy and LBJ with content and surprise on how she isn't in an emotional breakdown. 
       I think this photo made the list because after losing your husband you wouldn't be this controlled and also seeing that her husbands blood is on her clothes, gives you the utmost respect for her and what she just went through.  

Photographer: Yomiuri Shimbun 

       I picked this photo because the soldier carrying the little girl seems so happy to have found her alive and well after such an extreme natural disaster. 
       The photographer captured an angle where you can see the soldiers emotion on his face after finding the little girl and you can see the little girls face with no scratches or bruises or any sign of harm done her. 
        I think this photo made the list because of how someone so young and defenseless made it through a natural disaster that some of the most fit people couldn't make it through. 

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