Sunday, September 29, 2013

Academics & Community Service

The photo I picked was of a girl who was about to kick a soccer ball across the field. I picked this photo because the girl looked so focused and you could see the muscles contracting in her legs to kick the ball across the field. In the photo you can see that the photographer used lines to help the subject look as though it had some where to go.

1. Classrooms

2. I think I could go around to like the theatre room or the art room to get pictures of creativeness and focussed students at work.

3. Get the right angle, the right lighting, and the good timing.

Academic Shoot Preview

Filling the Frame 

In this photo the frame is filled with many things. The two subjects take up most of the photo but the white smoke fills up a part of the photo that would just be wasted space without it. 

Best Action/Emotion 

In this picture you see the water flying up into the air and the girls emotion from what has just happened  causing them to look surprised. 

Best Story 

I believe that this photo tells a story because in the picture there is a fine line between the homeless and the non homeless and you can see the non homeless reaching out to the others to help them. I think that this group of teenagers are feeding the homeless for community service hours and to give back to their own community and help others along the way.

Unusual and Interesting Photos- Part 3

1. Light, Angles, and connection with your subject.



The photographer who reenacted "The Girl with a Pearl Earring" used the correct lighting to match up with the paintings lighting. The photographer also got an angle where the subject in the photograph and painting look the same. In the photograph and painting the subject looks like they have a connection with who ever was painting or photograph. 

I think that light influences me a lot. When I was on vacation in Cozumel, Mexico I got the opportunity to shoot some pictures of some parrots that were at one of our activities and I had to adjust myself to get the right lighting to make the colors and details of the birds really stand out. 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Unusual and Interesting Photos- Part 2

Domestic News Picture Story 

1. I picked this photo because the emotion on the woman's face is so heart breaking and it makes the photo have so much more to say and it makes you wonder. 

2. Domestic News Picture Story 

3. Third Place 

4. The photographer got the woman in an angle where you see cars behind her looking like they are in a line and then you see her standing out side of the cars with no other humans visible. 

5. I think the reason this photo got 3rd was because of how much emotion the woman is presenting, it really shows how devastating this event was to certain victims. 

6. I think that the photographer was most likely in a position where chaos was surrounding them and they had to take the time to compose themselves to take this picture. 

Pictoral Singles 

1.  I picked this photo because when you first see it, you think that the roller coaster is just on a pier in the water and then as you spend more time looking at the photo you realize that the roller coaster is a little beat up and is in the middle of the water not standing on anything. 

2. Pictoral Singles 

3. Second 

4. I like how the photographer captured the sun rising in the morning because then all you could see was the outline of the roller coaster. 

5. I think that the judges picked this photo because of how this picture is so appealing to the eye but it also tells a part of the story of Hurricane Sandy. 

6. Considering the description of this photo says that this was taken in the early morning, I find it to be unique that the photographer had either gotten up or already was up that early to capture this photo. 

Sports Photojournalist of the Year 

1. I picked this photo because there is so much going on, it really caught my eye. 

2. Sports Photojournalist of the Year

3.  First 

4. The photographer made the race car in the top right corner with the finish line in front of it making it obvious that the car was moving 

5. I think that the judges picked this photo because the photo includes many different types of things going on with the smoke, tire marks, finish line being so close, and the american flag on the car really draws attention to this photo and keeps your eyes moving. 

6. I think the photographer did something unique by taking the picture from birds eye view and capturing the car in the spot it is in to make it seem like it is moving. 

Unusual and Interesting Photos- Part 1

1. My first reaction to Christian's work was that the picture was taken by mistake and thats why the buildings seemed to be moving in the pictures.

2. Im assuming Christian made these photos by using a reflection app and then overlaying the buildings through different transparencies and angles.

3. I think that the frost building in downtown Austin would be a good building to use for this type of photography because of all of the windows and the way that the building is shaped. The frost building is very easy access because it is along lady bird lake so there is not any buildings in front of it blocking your view.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Alyssa Mota's Blog- Refection

Alyssa did a great job with her Lines photograph and her Balance photograph that she chose.

In the Balance picture, the twin towers really complement your eyes and make you look not just at one but two buildings which keep your eyes moving.

In the Lines photograph, the picture includes the aftermath of the towers. The buildings near by resemble how a line would be formed vertically and horizontally and then you look at the leftover structure of the twin towers and you see that the lines are no longer straight but bent and cut and transformed into unequal lines.

In Alyssa's Rule of Thirds photo, I would have picked a different one that included maybe a more distinct path that an object in motion would be following.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

   When I saw the picture at the beginning of the article, I thought of it as a symbol of courage and my feelings towards the man were in the utmost highest respect for him. I couldn't imagine how you could bring yourself to end your life by jumping from a building 100+ stories tall. In the last moments of his life and many others who  had jumped I wonder what brought him self to just jump and take the plunge and accept what was going to be the end. Other articles and newspapers wouldn't except this because they feel as though they were being disrespectful towards the man who jumped, and I can see how they would feel that way but I look at this picture as more of a symbol for the courage it must have taken to jump from that high of a building to the plunge of your death.

911 Attacks- Avoiding Mergers

 At first when you look at this picture your eyes are drawn to the Empire State Building, but as you look longer at the picture you notice what is happening in the background. The 911 attack is not the first thing you notice and thats why you try your best to avoid mergers.

911 Attacks- Simplicity

This photo is very simple because you can see the outlines of the buildings but not their full detail. The smoke/ash also shows what has happened but takes up most of the picture so you aren't left with wasted space.

911 Attacks- Framing

In this photo the photographer framed the photograph in a right position where they have captured the collapse of the second building while you can still see the first tower caught on fire as well. Even though there is part of a tree and the first tower is included in the picture the photographer framed the picture to where the second towers collapse is still the main focus of the photograph.

911 Attacks- Lines

This photograph resembles lines because as the man appears to be the main focus, you can see the lines on the buildings showing you that his plunge is at a completely vertical position in line with the pillars on the building.

911 Attacks- Rule of Thirds

This photograph represents rule of thirds because you can see where the objects are moving from and what their path has been. I find this picture to be intriguing because there are no cars on the highway and people are running in the opposite directing against oncoming traffic while trying to get away from the ash and smoke. 

911 Attacks- Balance

This photo represents balance because the two twos balance each other out evenly. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

National Geographic

   This is my favorite photo because I love how you every bit of the mountains is covered in greenery and I also love how the mountains is reflected across the water.
    If i we're to enter a contest based off of National Geographic I would take a picture of downtown Austin where there is the most dirt and grime and trash and I would attempt my best to get an angle or a reflective light to make even the darkest places beautiful.
    I chose this photo because sometimes you don't need to look at scenery directly through a lens... sometimes seeing the way others see the world through their eyes sends an equally powerful message. 
    If i were to enter a contest, I would do the same thing this person did, but I would stage them in a spot where I can see the persons hand reaching out to help another in a time of need. 

Touching People

1. I think that this photo essay and project is interesting to the different ways that two strangers position themselves to take pictures together.

2. I would think of the situation to be very awkward and random but I would participate because of how my personality is.

3. I think it would be fun if we walked into a classroom and just asked to take a picture with one person out of the whole class who we had no idea who they were and then leave after taking one picture.

4. The pictures made me confused and comfortable to accept that they were strangers because most of the positions the people were in were very close or holding hands in some way.

Top 40 Photos

Photographer:  Aaron Thompson 
       I picked this photo because I can't imagine how hard it would have been to accept your fathers flag after he was supposed to come home so soon.
      The photographer captured an angle that allows you to see the emotion on the boys face that has him almost brought to tears but is also at the angle where the man giving the little boy the flag, trying his best to be sincere towards how the boy might be feeling.
      I think this photo made the top 40 most powerful photographs because the little boys face shows that it is hard for him to accept his fathers death and how hard it must have been to accept the flag.
Photographer: Via

      I picked this photo because Jacqueline Kennedy has just lost her husband JFK yet she is still composed and controlled. 
     The photographer captured an angle where you can still see Mrs. Kennedy's husbands blood splattered on her clothing but you can also see how intent and self controlled she is to do her job. You can also see others in the room looking at Mrs. Kennedy and LBJ with content and surprise on how she isn't in an emotional breakdown. 
       I think this photo made the list because after losing your husband you wouldn't be this controlled and also seeing that her husbands blood is on her clothes, gives you the utmost respect for her and what she just went through.  

Photographer: Yomiuri Shimbun 

       I picked this photo because the soldier carrying the little girl seems so happy to have found her alive and well after such an extreme natural disaster. 
       The photographer captured an angle where you can see the soldiers emotion on his face after finding the little girl and you can see the little girls face with no scratches or bruises or any sign of harm done her. 
        I think this photo made the list because of how someone so young and defenseless made it through a natural disaster that some of the most fit people couldn't make it through. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Great black and white photographers. PART 2.

      Carleton Watkins was born November 11, 1829. Watkins grew up in Oneonta, New York and went to San Francisco, California during the gold rush, in 1851. Watkins found in interest in photography as an aide in a San Francisco portrait studio where he started taking his own photographs in 1861. 
      Up until the 1970's Watkins went around California and Oregon areas photographing. In 1964, Watkins took photographs of the Yosemite Valley and later on helped Congress' decision to establish the valley as a National Park. Watkins faced problems with his artwork being re printed and his artwork being published without credit. 
        In 1879, Watkins married his 22 year old assistant, Frances Sneade who he had 2 children with. He then started a "New Series" which included many photographs that were mainly related to California. His family remained poor and spent some time living in an abandoned railroad boxcar. His eyesight had then begun to fail. The 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire destroyed Watkins's studio. In 1910, Watkins was committed to the Napa State Hospital for the insane, where he died 6 years later. 



Mendocino Country, 1863.

Cape Horn, Colombia River, 1867.

Happy, Metal, Bowie, Square

This picture represents happy to me because I love how the raindrops and dew are collected on the leaf. 

This picture represents metal because the fire hydrant is partly rusted but still showing its metal-like features. 
This picture represents Bowie because our mascot is clearly shown and the word "Bowie" are above. 

This picture represents square because each of these blocks are put together to create a barrier but each one is a square. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Camera History and Information Questions

1. Explain the "camera obscura" effect. How is it achieved?
Camera obscure is a latin word for "dark room" Inside the dark room, a tiny hole is created in one wall. Through the hole light is focused, and the outside scene is projected (upside down) on the opposite wall.

2. What invention during the 17th Century helped man get a step closer to creating the modern camera?
Glass lenses

3. What were the parts of the first modern camera invented by Niepce's camera?
  Glass lens, dark box, and film.

4. What do modern digital cameras have in common with Niepces camera?
Light passes through the lens, into the camera, and exposes the film.

5. What do digital cameras use to capture an image?
 Digital cameras use an electronic sensor called CCD.

6. What is the difference between the Auto Mode and the Program mode?
Auto mode: Controls the flash and exposure.
Program mode: Flash and exposure must be adjusted manually.

7. What is the Portrait mode used for? How does it work?
To Blur out the background, camera will try to use the fastest available lens setting (aperture).

8. What is the Sports mode used for? How does it work
To freeze motion, camera will use the highest shutter speed possible.

9. Why should you do half press on the trigger button?
To allow the camera to go into focus lock, telling you its ready for you to take the picture.

10. What does this symbol mean? When do you use this?
This symbol means disabled flash, meaning no flash will go not go off. This would be helpful when you are taking a picture and you want to capture the natural light.

11. What does this symbol mean? When would you use this?
This symbol means Auto-flash. When Auto-flash is enabled by default it will automatically fire if the camera thinks it needs more light.

12. What happens to your photo if there is too much light?
 Too much light can cause the photograph to seem washed out.

13. What happens to your photo if there is not enough light?
The photograph will be too dark.

14. What is a "stop."
The term "stop" represents a relative change in brightness of light.

15. How many stops brighter is the new planet if there are two sons instead of one?
One stop brighter.

16. How many stops brighter is the new planet if there are four sons instead of two?
Four stops.

17. What affect does a longer shutter speed have?
More light.

18. What affect does a shorter shutter speed have?
Less light.

19. What does the aperture control?
It controls how much light comes in the camera.

20. When adjusting the aperture, how can you increase the amount of light?
By opening the aperture and making it larger.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Favorite Black and White Photographers

I like this photo because the buildings design is much different from a building you would see in todays world. 

I like this picture because it looks as though there is only about 2 inches of water for miles and miles. 

I love this picture because it makes me wonder what made them stop and find so fascinating. 

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