Friday, January 17, 2014

Peer Review


2.  I like the footprints photo because many people had just taken pictures of people walking but in this photo you see the shoes in the air and the water following the feet. I really love the water being incorporated and the lighting. I also like how the background doesn't take away from the photo.

3. My least favorite photo is the yummy, because its kinda blurry and theres a lot of extra space that allows you to tell its a vending machine. I think if it was zoomed in where all you saw was the girl licking the ice cream bar it would look better.

4. I love the angles of all of your pictures and the lighting is really good also.

5. I think if you avoid mergers in your photos the pictures would turn out better. For example, the black and white photo has a merger to the left of the girl and makes it look like she has a pole coming out of her back.

6. I think the footprints photo was really well conveyed.

7. yummy

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