Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2013 Summary

The best song of 2013 was "Summertime Sadness" by Lana Del Ray because it tells a story of how she doesn't want her lover to leave because she will be heartbroken if he does. But, at the same time she says that at that moment if she were to die she would be happy because she would die with him by her side. Which leads to the chorus saying she has summertime sadness because he had left her. 
The best movie of 2013 was "Catching Fire" from the Hunger Games series. The movie followed the book very well and picked up where the first movie left off while still leaving a HUGE cliffhanger at the end to get fans excited for the last installment of the series coming out November of 2014. This actors/actresses were amazing in this movie and the screenplay was phenomenal and very intriguing. 
The most important news in 2013 would have to the Boston Marathon bombing towards the beginning of the year. This was a huge event itself without the bombing occurring and had many people come to visit and participate in the race. Unfortunately, this ended badly for many people and families as well as witnesses. 
The most important person of 2013 would have to be Justin Timberlake because after his break from music he came back and had a huge success in his return. He not only made top charts more than once but has released dates for his upcoming tour. 
Most important sports event in 2013 was when auburn returned the missed field goal kicked by Alabama with one second remaining on the clock in the 4th quarter during a tie. 

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