Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Warm Up

1. I think that the photographer did the right thing in owning up to his consequences because in the end he knew what he was doing and he knew what would have happened if he got caught.

2. I think that the producer should not be tainted by this because he should be able to trust his employees

3. To keep the photos real and to publish photos for the true beauty that they show even if that includes a camera in a war photograph.

4. The light reflecting off the camera makes the nearby plants light up a little bit more than the photo where the camera isn't included.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Magazine Cover Peer Review

1. "Teen Vogue" by Sarah Barajas

2. I love how the color scheme doesn't match the girls outfit, yet goes really well with the over all picture and setting. I also love how the magazine states "How to Rock your Winter Wear" and the subject in the photo is dressed up for cold weather.

3. The words and everything looks great, I would have rather seen the words framing the subject a little more and the barcode to be smaller.

4. This cover had a lot of words on the front, which to me makes me curious as to what all of those words are covering on the inside.

5. Yes

6. Yes

7. Portrait

1. "Outdoor Life" by Sarah Hall

2. I love the outfit that the subject is wearing, it really contributes to the overall feel of the "outdoor life." I also love how neither the dog or man in the photo are looking at the camera.

3. There is honestly nothing I would change about this cover. Its appealing to the eye, every word follows the main idea of "outdoor life," and the photograph is great.

4. I picked this cover because the way the words were set up. The way the words are fonted and sized and placed makes the magazine look all that more real.

5. Yes

6. Yes

7. Portrait

Friday, January 17, 2014

Peer Review


2.  I like the footprints photo because many people had just taken pictures of people walking but in this photo you see the shoes in the air and the water following the feet. I really love the water being incorporated and the lighting. I also like how the background doesn't take away from the photo.

3. My least favorite photo is the yummy, because its kinda blurry and theres a lot of extra space that allows you to tell its a vending machine. I think if it was zoomed in where all you saw was the girl licking the ice cream bar it would look better.

4. I love the angles of all of your pictures and the lighting is really good also.

5. I think if you avoid mergers in your photos the pictures would turn out better. For example, the black and white photo has a merger to the left of the girl and makes it look like she has a pole coming out of her back.

6. I think the footprints photo was really well conveyed.

7. yummy

Monday, January 13, 2014

5 Websites

B&W Landscapes-


2. Every photo that was taken was in black and white of different types of landscapes. Each photo looked made you think about how it would look in color, which was the photographers plan all along when taking the photos.

3. I learned that making a photo black and white I was able to forget about the colors that were there and let the landscape really speak for itself and that you didn't need color to make a photo beautiful.


5. Favorite Photo
          a) I chose this photo because I love how the mountain reflects on the water
          b) Balance, Depth
          c) Rembridot



2. Every photo taken was of tall archways and ceiling all expressing the detail and beautiful architect. 
Each church has either these beautiful colorful stain glassed windows or high archways that are just as beautiful.

3. I learned that in my church the most beautiful part of our church is the center piece because that is where the most attention is but in these churches the most attractive part is the side of the church and the walk ways. 


5. Favorite Photo
          a) I chose this photo because I love how the light shines through the windows 
          b) Rule of thirds, Depth 
          c) The Wandering Angel 

Abandoned Detroit High School-


2. Every photo that was taken had a picture of the school after a fire in 2007 with a picture of the school before. Each photo lines up perfectly with the "almost now" photo and really makes you look at how different it is now.

3. I learned that if that was my high school I would be pretty sad to see the places I made memories in, ruined.

Spinning around a building- 


2. This tutorial taught me how to capture photos and put them together in a video to make it seem like I was spinning around a building. The example used in the tutorial was of the CN Tower in Toronto.

3. I learned how to plot where the points I take were going to be on google and how to edit my photos so the object I was capturing stayed in the same spot.
         a) I could use this for a prompt shoot if asked to take pictures of one object.
         b) Yes, I now know how to make photos that involve one object line up on photoshop.

Astonishing Photos of 2012- 


2. Every photo taken was very unique and not something simple like landscape or portraits that you see all the time. Also every photo was taken in color.

3. I learned that the most beauty comes from places that aren't naturally beautiful and maybe even a little odd.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Prompt Shoot #3

30 pica x 42/ resolution=180

60 pica x 48 pica/ resolution=300/ vertical 

B&W/any size/ resolution=240

horizontal/ 24 pica x 36 pica/ resolution=72

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My Holiday

    My holiday break was full of unforgettable moments but I will never forget when I went skiing at Angelfire, NM. I had so much fun going down the mountains with my family and I loved challenging myself and stepping outside my boundaries by going on blue runs, instead of all green.
    I had not made many resolutions this year other than getting my body into tip top shape and becoming the best cheerleader I can be for not only myself, but for my team as well.
    Im looking forward to meeting new people and seeing what opportunities lie ahead for me.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2013 Summary

The best song of 2013 was "Summertime Sadness" by Lana Del Ray because it tells a story of how she doesn't want her lover to leave because she will be heartbroken if he does. But, at the same time she says that at that moment if she were to die she would be happy because she would die with him by her side. Which leads to the chorus saying she has summertime sadness because he had left her. 
The best movie of 2013 was "Catching Fire" from the Hunger Games series. The movie followed the book very well and picked up where the first movie left off while still leaving a HUGE cliffhanger at the end to get fans excited for the last installment of the series coming out November of 2014. This actors/actresses were amazing in this movie and the screenplay was phenomenal and very intriguing. 
The most important news in 2013 would have to the Boston Marathon bombing towards the beginning of the year. This was a huge event itself without the bombing occurring and had many people come to visit and participate in the race. Unfortunately, this ended badly for many people and families as well as witnesses. 
The most important person of 2013 would have to be Justin Timberlake because after his break from music he came back and had a huge success in his return. He not only made top charts more than once but has released dates for his upcoming tour. 
Most important sports event in 2013 was when auburn returned the missed field goal kicked by Alabama with one second remaining on the clock in the 4th quarter during a tie. 

Favorite Pictures of 2013

This was one of my favorite photos of the year because I love how each egg looks different. I also love the angle that the photographer took this picture at because it fills up the whole photo keeping the eye moving. 

This was one of my favorite photos because the people in the picture are completely dry when the rest of the photo is captured in falling rain.

This was one of my favorite photos because I love how the window washers are actually engaged with the little boy which probably made his day a whole lot better.