Thursday, October 10, 2013

Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

1. Watkins photographs caught my eye because of how he was able to capture these amazing views. He traveled to all of these amazing places with spectacular views and then was able to position himself in what seems to me, the best view you could have gotten with a  view like that in almost all of his photos.

I see: Lots of trees hiding the rocky ground. I see a cliff out in the distance and valley in between the mountains. The clouds seem to be light and fluffy and the sun reflects off of everything standing tall.
I smell: The scent of cedar trees and pine cones. I can smell the trees bark falling into the ground where the pine needles lay. The scent of wood and cedar is overpowering the smell of the fresh air coming through the trees.
I hear: Birds chirping as the fly above the tree canopy and I can hear branches falling off of the trees in the distance as they hit the ground. I can hear woodland creatures move fast along the uneven ground.
I taste: Cold in my lungs as the cold air passes my by. I can taste the cedar on the tip of my tongue.
I feel: Bark of the trees near by roughly in my fingertips. I can feel the stickiness of the tree sap under my fingernails. I can feel the rough pinecone scratch my palm as I hold it tightly. 

I see: Water and waves leaving the rocks on the shore. I see the free movement of the waves crash against the Earth. I feel the cold air hit my skin and give me goosebumps. 
I smell: Salty air and the trees cedar in the background. 
I hear: Waves crashing into the shore and small mammals in the distance playing. It is relatively quiet so I can hear the shutter of my camera quite well. 
I taste: Salt and water 
I feel: The cold water swallow my toes

Mural Project Review

1. What I notice when walking down the hallways or in your teachers classrooms there is always some sort of positive messages being displayed. We could go around the school and take pictures of these messages and make a collage of them to send one big message that there is always a reason to keep moving and pushing through whatever it is your going through.

2. I like the using our phones idea because that is very relatable to other people. In todays world when something inspires a student or catches their eye they will most likely pull out their phone because of the easy access and even though their phone is probably not the best quality you don't care because at that moment you just want to capture the setting in front of you, so I think we should do the same.

3. I would want to put the mural in front of the library where every one can see it and think about the message we are sending.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Abandoned Theme Parks

1. I would want to go take pictures at Koka Family Land, Shiga, Japan. Unfortunately the park was bulldozed in 2008 but if I had the chance to go back in time and go take pictures before it was bulldozed I would definitely take the opportunity. The park was covered in shrubbery and forest and made the park absolutely beautiful before. I loved how the park was swallowed by mother nature but still clearly the remains of an amusement park.

3. Natural walkway in Maldives, Gaoila Bridge, Toborchi Tree, Natural bridge for animals in Netherland, Hotel la Montana Magica

By: Doug Kerr

5. I think this would be fun to document because this bridge is used to let animals pass over a highway safely and is just another way that humans have give back to the community. I think that this would be interesting to capture an animal actually crossing over because then it would show how us humans can cross paths with animals without either of us getting hurt. 

6. I would need to save up a lot of money in order to travel that far way and then the money to be saved in order for me to stay there long enough to get the photos I needed. I would probably need to rent a helicopter because I don't think I am allowed to be on the bridge, I would need to find a hotel near by and it looks like a very un populated area so I would probably have to rent a car as well. I would probably have to get some type of consent to take the photos and check all of the laws in that country to see if I was even able to take these photos.  


1. I think that these photos are absolutely amazing. They are so appealing to the eye and have such great balance in each photo. The subjects in the photo looked like they are posing but from reading the article, the photographer says that he was just waiting and waiting for the right moment to come up in order to capture these breathtaking photos.

3. I  like this photo because of the affection that is presented between the two lions. I also like this photo because of how the male lions mane looks in the photograph with the editing that has been done. 

4. Balance because there are two subjects balancing out each other. 

5. I think that the photographer used a close up lens to capture the emotion and detail of the animals. 

6. The photographer took these photos to show the world that the plains of Africa were filled with so much more than poor families and poaching. He wanted to show the world the side that the animals were experiencing.  

7. "What I am interested in is showing the animals simply in the state of being—before, in the wild at least, they cease to exist. This world is under terrible threat, all of it caused by us." 

8. "There is something profoundly iconic, mythological even, about the animals of East and southern Africa. There is also something deeply, emotionally stirring and affecting about the plains of Africa—those vast, green rolling plains punctuated by graphically perfect acacia trees under the huge skies." 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Peer Reflection

Step 2:

Step 3:
I think this student followed the "lines" rule the best because in the picture there are students writing down something and then the lines are represented by how the tiles line up on the floor. This picture balances the academic side of the shoot and lines rule very well.

Step 4:
The student did not follow the "Framing" rule very well because there are lines in the background that set off the angle of the photo and the subject is clear, but this shot was taken from far away so the photo is not appealing to look at.

Step 5:
I think that this student did an excellent job with all of their photos except framing. They were able to capture the correct rules while still keeping the academic side involved. I also really like how they set up their pictures. Most of their pictures were at angles that were appealing to the eye and I really liked that.

Step 6:
I understand that the student was only given the set up that was provided when walking into the classrooms, but use of correct light would have been a better way to improve their photos. Maybe instead of taking pictures near the front, move to the back where there is all of the natural light coming in from the open windows and take pictures of those students.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Academic Shoot Reflection

1. I had a hard time finding balance because I was only given certain stances and poses that the subjects were in and I could not move them around without interrupting the teacher.

2. I had a hard time focusing. In the simplicity picture, I had to manually focus and it made it difficult because some of my subjects were moving.

3. I would try to follow the rules better.

4. I would use the same photos for framing and I would spend more time in the art classes.

5. Simplicity.

6. Balance

7. Balance.

Rule of Thirds

1. I think that I followed this rule well because my subject is not in the middle of the photo.

2. The group of kids working in the background.

3. No because there is the tree in the way.

4. I could have gotten a picture of just the students working next to the tree.


1. I do not think I followed this rule very well. 

2. The subject is the boy in the picture. 

3. No 

4. Gotten a picture of his work being represented next to another persons work. 


1. I followed the rule by framing the boy working by using the mirror.

2. The boy

3. Yes


1. I think I followed this rule pretty well because the photo is quite simple. 

2. The girl working. 

3. Yes

4. I needed to focus my camera. 


1. I followed this rule well because the person in the background looks like they are petting the boys head. 

2. The boy sitting down in the middle of the photo. 

3. No 

4. I think I did fine with this prompt because there are many mergers.