Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Contest Preview

This photo appears to be powerful to me because of the look on the dogs face. The dog looks sad and i think that the black and white filter on the photo makes all of the lights and darks of the dogs fur pop more. I love how there is a black background and how the dogs fur is a light color making it seem very contrasting as a whole. 

I think this photo is powerful because of the lighting. I love how the sun comes into the photo and makes the girls hair, umbrella, background, and the girls dress light up while still leaving some of the photo dark and really brining in good contrast and exposure. 

This photo is powerful because it makes me want to learn more about the story behind it. In the photo you see a broken window and a teenage boy standing next to it with clouds behind him. I love the lighting! It is so dark and mysterious looking while still leaving enough light to make the windows and boys face light up with subtle lighting.  

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