Friday, March 21, 2014

My First Interview- Amber

1. What grade are you in? 10th
2. How old are you? 15
3. Whats your favorite class? English 
4. Whats your favorite subject? English 
5. What are some things you think you did to win "Student of the Month?" Good grades
6. Have you ever won "Student of the Month" before? No 
7. How did your friends react when you won "Student of the Month?" They were happy 
8. Have your teachers commented on your good behavior in class before? Yes
9. Have any of them tried to hint to you that you would be winning "Student of the Month?" Not really 
10. Now that you have won, are you going to be changing anything about your classroom behavior for next month? I will behave better and get good grades 
11. What electives do you take? Hospitality, Photojournalism, and Dance  
12. Do you do any extracurricular activities outside of school? No 
13. Are you in choir, band, or orchestra? No 
14. Do you play a sport? No 
15. What is your hardest subject? Geometry 
16. What is your easiest subject? History 
17. When studying for a test, what are some ways to help you remember? Flashcards
18. Are you absent often? Yes 
19. Do you think your attendance has a major effect on your grades? Sometimes
20. What are some tips you have for studying before tests? Make flashcards 

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