Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Assignment #1: School Uniforms

1. Teachers 
2. Students 
3. AP's 

1. Do you think school uniforms should be enforced? 
2. What would school uniforms benefit for the students? 
3. What would school uniforms not benefit for the students? 
4. Should all staff wear uniforms as well?
5. Should the school uniforms reflect the school colors?
6. Do you think school uniforms would benefit the students learning?
7. If your school doesn't have uniforms, why do you think that they haven't enforced it?
8. If your school does have uniforms, why do you think they have enforced it?
9. Do you think dress code is considered a school uniform? 
10. Do you think students dis obey dress code? 
11. Do you think, for example, short shorts affect how a student learns? 
12. Should school uniforms reflect the seasons? 
13. How may school uniforms cause students to be distracted and not focused? 
14. Should only girls have school uniforms?
15. How has school uniforms affected other schools in your area? 
16. Do you think that school uniforms would enhance class learning? 
17. Do you think that school uniforms would raise test scores? 
18. Who shouldn't be enforced to wear uniforms? 
19. Does your school use uniforms or dress code?
20. How many schools in your area enforce dress code over school uniforms? 

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