Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Merger Photo Shoot

Show and Tell

I love this photo because you can see all of these people bonding over one thing; food. I love how the chef is engaged with the group as a whole and you can just see people for what seems like miles and miles.

I chose this video because although I didn't know the austin high students, a lot of my friends at austin high were affected by this and even some of the students here at bowie who had gone to small with alyssa. I hope that the families and friends of these students heal quickly and I'm glad to hear the community is celebrating their lives in a positive way.

Contest Preview

This photo appears to be powerful to me because of the look on the dogs face. The dog looks sad and i think that the black and white filter on the photo makes all of the lights and darks of the dogs fur pop more. I love how there is a black background and how the dogs fur is a light color making it seem very contrasting as a whole. 

I think this photo is powerful because of the lighting. I love how the sun comes into the photo and makes the girls hair, umbrella, background, and the girls dress light up while still leaving some of the photo dark and really brining in good contrast and exposure. 

This photo is powerful because it makes me want to learn more about the story behind it. In the photo you see a broken window and a teenage boy standing next to it with clouds behind him. I love the lighting! It is so dark and mysterious looking while still leaving enough light to make the windows and boys face light up with subtle lighting.  

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


1. Travis Haughton
Some problems with Travis's pictures is that the judges do not like how some of the photos have back of the head shots, they do not like how some of the mergers in the photos make it seem like things are growing out of their heads, and they do not like how tight the frames are.
The judges like how Travis captured his sports action photos, keeping them realistic and true to the moment. They love how Travis had captured the sweet moments in his photo story.
I think that Travis did a really good job with making sure his lighting was great in all of his photos, but I agree with the judges in them saying that many of the photos had frames that were a little too tight.

2. The judges liked how everyone in the picture was occupied and included a lot of motion in the picture. I think that one of the strengths in this photo was really how there was a lot of motion in the picture and kept your eye moving. I think a weakness is that the angle isn't as good as I think it could have been.

3. The judges looked at every photo and then chose based off of what photos seemed most powerful to them. The judges also looked for the photos that weren't too overly edited and followed the story that the photographer was trying to convey.

1. I agree with the judges on the third photo. I think that the photo should have been zoomed in more to make the photo look more intriguing and that the photographer should have waited till the head made contact with the actual wave.

2. I love the first photo and how it makes the rest of the surroundings except the sled blurred making it seem lie your going really fast. I don't agree with how the judges think that the photo is framed "ok" because I think that if you had framed it any differently the photo would not be as intriguing.

Found Objects Homework

this photo was taken while I was at Epcot of the Cheerleading Worlds last week. Loved how there was a storm/sunset coming in over the lake!! 

This photo was taken in January when I was in New Mexico on a family ski trip. We had gotten into the car to go to the resort and tiny little snowflakes had frozen over the windshield over night when another snow storm came through!