Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fashion Photography

1. They contoured her face and added highlights, the eyes were made bigger, hair longer, thinner neck, and eyelashes longer.

2. Made the girls skin brighter, legs longer, lifted her shoulders, longer hair, bigger eyes, longer neck, thinner waist, butt smaller, nose smaller, and eyelashes longer.

3. The model went from very large and stocky to thin and petite, hair longer, and skin brighter.

4. No, because society thinks thats how a woman should look but society doesn't actually know that the model does not actually look like that.

5. Yes, in the second video the girl is modeling and at first she is some one society wouldn't waste their time on, then she is transformed into a figure that becomes acceptable to us when really we are accepting someone who we doesn't even look like that.

6. Acne fixes and dark spot fixes, thats it.

7. Fashion photography is changed and altered in photoshop, photojournalism isn't.

8. Fashion photography changes whats real, and changes it to something society will accept.

9. To show us how powerful photoshop is and how out of control it can get.

10. Society accepts guys for how they look because they are not given the opportunities to fix their imperfections. Guys don't have wigs, makeup or tight clothing.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

American Soldier

A.  Ian stands among others, you can see how they are all looking forward and you look at Ian and he stands there with his eyes on his hand placement to make sure everything is correct. I think this is the most powerful photo because it shows how respectful Ian is towards his country and how determined his mindset is to be the best he can be. 

Set #1: Images 1 through 9
Set #2: Images 10 through 30
Set #3: Images 50 through 70
Set #4: Images 71 through 82

I think set #2 was most powerful because you get to see all of the training and hard work these young men had to put in.

C.  The photos all represent steps or "chapters" in this young mans journey to be in the army

3A. Present tense.

3B. The captions tell you what the details are for that moment in time when the photo was taken.

Image #6: Ian sleeps alongside bed frame while Thomas Brenner puts shaving cream on Ians head.
Image #28: Ian laughs while Drill sergeant Edridge hits Ians helmet playfully.
Image #56: Ian tears up pictures of newly announced ex girlfriend, Kristen after news of her finding another boyfriend while Ian is in Iraq.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Rules of Photography Part 2

Rule of Thirds: 

Balancing Elements: 

Leading Lines: 

Symmetry and Patterns: 



Create Depth: 




Self Portraits Part 1

Tip #1:
If you approach people in the right way, they'll usually be happy to have their picture made. It's up to you to break the ice and get them to cooperate. Joke around with them. Tell them why you want to make the picture. Practice with people you know so that you are comfortable; people can sense when you aren't.

Tip #2: 
Whatever it is, the setting provides information about people and tells us something about their lives. Seek balance between subject and environment. Include enough of the setting to aid your image, but not so much that the subject is lost in it.

Tip #3: 
However near or far your subject, however intimate or distant the gaze your camera casts, you always need to keep in mind the elements of composition and the technique that will best help you communicate what you are trying to say.

Environmental Pictures: 
I chose this photo because of the way the man is posing, he looks like he is genuinely minding his own business in his own environment. Im guessing this man was just sitting here on his break and was asked to have his photo taken which would rely on tip #1 more on the photographer. 

I chose this photo because the subject is still involved in the picture but it makes you wonder how he got up there and how the photo was created. The beauty of the background is also very phenomenal. 

Photography Self Portrait: 
I chose this photo because I love how the way the girls eyes seem to be the thing that keeps my eyes looking at instead of the interesting head gear she is wearing. 

I chose this photo because it is dark and mysterious looking. I love how the photo seems to be very dark but the girls facial expression looks like she is trying to escape whatever darkness has engulfed her. 

Casual Portrait:
I chose this photo because the boy is dressed in normal clothes and it looks as though the photographer positioned himself to make the photograph seem more appealing to the eye. 

I chose this photograph because this is a rare moment where you see Katy Perry just sitting in a natural environment, not dressed to her best, just smiling gently. 

Photo Shoot Planning: 
I would like to go to the greenbelt behind my house and take pictures of my friend Lindsey. The leaves are falling and have turned into beautiful golden colors so I think that the photographs would turn out good for a good example of environmental portraits. I plan to position myself in a spot where the background is visible but my subject is still the main focus of the photograph. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Caption Writing

1. Cant tell which is worse, this haircut or the trash bag being used as a dress on my owner. 
2. I remember being very annoyed when this photo was taken. 

1. Plot twist: this is my 16 year old sons bedroom, guess he will get up on time from now on. 
2. My wife told me to get up and turn off the alarm... I learned the hard way to take her seriously. 

1. They must feel so exposed... 
2. Told my daughter to not sneak out anymore with her friends, they learned the hard way. 


1.    2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22 
2.    1 second, 1/60 second, 1/4000 second 
3.    100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600


1. introducing noise to the picture can cause it to form a sense of movement. 
2. If there is plenty of light, use the low ISO. 
3. If there is minimal light, use the high ISO. 

Shutter Speed

fast shutter speed   slow shutter speed 

1. Bulldogs and Hotdogs- Bright lighting 
        a. slow shutter speed 
        b. slow shutter speed 
        c. fast shutter speed 
        d. fast shutter speed 
        e. slow shutter speed 
        f. fast shutter speed

2. Bulldogs and Hotdogs- Dim lighting 
        a. slow shutter speed w/ flash 
        b. slow shutter speed 
        c. fast shutter speed 
        d. fast shutter speed w/ flash 
        e. slow shutter speed 
        f. fast shutter speed 

3. Manual, Shutter Priority, Aperture Priority 


1. The pupil of an eye
2. The smaller the aperture the larger the f number, the bigger the aperture the smaller the f number.
3. The larger the number after the f depends on how focused or unfocused the background is. For example; f/8.0 is more a more focused background and the background of an f/2.8 is very blurry.