Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Big Day

In the volkswagen commercial, we see a boy dressed up in a tux and a bride awaiting someones arrival. The boy tries really hard to get there on time and as time passes we see the bride becoming more and more impatient. In the last scene, the boy walks into the church late to find the bride marrying and him not there to see it.

WHO: bride and groom, and young man
WHAT: wedding ceremony
WHEN: during a ceremony
WHERE: church
WHY: the young man loves the bride
HOW: runs into the chapel to confess it

In the first scene, we see a young man driving in the country side in gloomy and rainy weather. As he gets closer to his destination he runs into interferences with a slow trailer, a train, traffic light (etc.) The longer he takes the longer the bride at the church in the city becomes impatient. Once the boy arrives to the church the wedding has already started. The boy runs into the church to what seems like he is wanting to confess his love for the bride, but is too late as she marries another man.

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