Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Other high school newspapers

1. The "CR Washington Surveyor" November 2013 issue is one of my favorite because it has all of the many colleges around the nation in the silhouettes head

2. The Tiger Print Newspaper because it made me wonder whose baby it was and what the baby had to do with the school.

3. "Smashed" because the title is apart of the picture on the front page and wasn't typed.

4. None, just a picture with a title, and titles of what stories are inside.

5. Every newspaper has a title that has bigger words than the rest of the text on the page and then some smaller words to describe what is inside the newspaper as far as stories

6. The fonts on the different newspapers, angles of photographs, and size of headlines

7. Some are similar as far as the placement of the titles but not all of them keep the same placement of where the stories line up.

BROADSHEET- 3+ stories
1. The Lone Star Dispatch
2. The Eagles Eye
3. MavLife

TABLOID- 2 or less stories
1. The MicroChip
2. The Crusader
3. Raven Report

NEWSMAGAZINE- glossy covers, no stories
1. Hi+Life
2. A Dangerous Drink
3. Harbinger

HEADLINES- heading at the top of an article or page in a newspaper
SUBHEADLINES- smaller, secondary headline that elaborates main headline above it
LINES- where the stories end vertically and horizontally
BOXES- refers to type that is framed in a border to give it prominence
PHOTOS- parts of a newspaper that give stories a visual aspect
TEASER- eye catching graphic elements on the first page that promotes the items inside the newspaper
FLAG- the printed title of a newspaper at the top of the front page
FOLIOS- newspaper name, date and page number that appear at the top of each page
CAPTIONS- headline or text accompanying a picture or illustration; also called a cutline
STORIES- parts of a newspaper that go into detail of the events happening
BYLINES- the authors name, which is printed at the beginning of an article
JUMPS- to continue a story from one page to another
STORY DIVIDERS- story continues on the same page, different location
SCREENS- advertisment in a newspaper
INFOGRAPHICS- visual representations of information
MASTEAD/STAFF BOX- details of the publisher, place of publication, editorial staff and information about the newspaper generally placed on the editorial page

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